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There are essentially two types of EAP referral: Firstly, a self-referral is where an employee seeks help for themselves. This may be done through a sponsor such as HR or occupational health, the referral would not appear on the clients personnel file and the nature of the discussion is entirely confidential. A formal referral may be made by the employee’s manager, occupational health team or HR department. This may be recorded on the HR file of the individual, depending on the situation. However, the actual session content remains confidential.
Simply offering an EAP service, is seen by many employees as being a sign of your corporate values and commitment to them. To fully support this commitment, we are also able to work in a consultative role with an organisation’s executive, management and supervisory teams. By aligning ourselves with your corporate objectives and delivering best in class welfare support, we believe that we both deliver and are seen to deliver a proactive, ethical and effective welfare support.
We do not set out to replace the good work you already do, instead by adopting a true partnership approach we are able to supplement and enhance your existing processes. We offer specialist welfare consultancy support alongside trained professionals who are able to offer a variety of welfare services such as counselling, coaching or mediation. These are services that organisations often require on an adhoc basis and as such it does not pay for full time resources.
A professional EAP service can address a wide range of staff wellbeing needs such as supporting workplace stress, family problems, grief, depression, anxiety and addiction to name but a few. We are also able to work in a consultative role, offering guidance on staff welfare and training. Typical training might aim at helping your management team identify and manage stress, while in parallel working on staff resiliency. We are also able to offer a critical incident support service, which aims at helping you manage the type of incidents that we all hope will never happen.
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) have been supporting businesses in one form or another for almost 40 years. They are increasingly recognised as being a key contributor to staff productivity, effectiveness and employee satisfaction. An EAP is an important part of fostering a mentally healthy and emotionally mature workplace. By demonstrating a proactive stance towards staff welfare, the right EAP can support: – Improved employee recruitment and retention levels – Improved psychological and physical health, in turn impacting sickness levels and attrition. – Improved productivity based on reductions in abscentism. As well as offering a consultative, partnership approach towards employee welfare, we are also able to offer training specifically geared towards improving staff welfare and resiliency. Our clinical team also support you with staff counselling, coaching, executive mindfulness programmes, mediation and critical incident support.