Counselling in Oxfordshire

Counselling support in Oxfordshire.

Welcome to Hope Therapy & Counselling Oxfordshire

We offer immediately available counselling throughout Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas. Counselling is offered both individually, for Couples and in groups, depending on your need and preference.

We understand how challenging these times can be. As such our experienced counselling team will not only focus on your support but also ensure we take things at a pace that is right for you.​​

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What can Counselling Oxfordshire help with?

You might come to see a counsellor for a variety of reasons. You may be facing a life-changing event that has created shock or grief.  Alternatively, you may be experiencing feelings of depression, low self-esteem, anger, panic or anxiety, without fully understanding why.

​There may be events from your past that are preventing you from living your life in the way you would like. Or the situation you are looking for support with may be firmly in your present moment.

​Equally, you may be experiencing a lack of direction, feelings of boredom or of being trapped.  A significant relationship may be proving difficult for you to manage healthily.  You may be aware of self-destructive patterns occurring in your life which are causing you or those around you pain.

​​Hope Therapy has a whole team of counsellors to call upon. They work either with you individually or with you and your partner (couples counselling). So we can identify the counsellor, with the very best experience, depending on what you are looking for support with.

Where are your counsellors based?

We have counsellors throughout Oxfordshire, so restrictions allowing, you may well be able to see us face-to-face. However, we all offer Skype, Zoom and telephone support, so wherever you are, we will be able to work with you.

Services Available

Face to Face: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

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Our professional coaching team are aimed both at Personal and Work-Based Coaching.
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Experienced & professional Counselling Services ~ immediate availability.

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Couples Counselling
Our experienced Couples & Marriage Counsellors are available to offer immediate support.

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Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories
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Hope Therapy is able to offer you therapeutic hypnotherapy as a tool for changing habits, lessening symptoms and treating various underlying conditions.

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Offering mindfulness Zoom Based drop-in-sessions as well as MBST and Self Compassion Training.
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Computerised CBT (on demand)
We offer Internet based CBT, with real life support by one of our team.

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Employment Counselling
Work Based Counselling can be supported via our sister company Employee Therapy Solutions
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